Todd Sullivan and
Harry Robertson
Stanford's Reasoning Methods in Artificial Intelligence Course
Project 4 of 4
Stanford Department of Computer Science
In this project we created a general purpose STRIPS planner. We extended FF's code base to create the Identidem planner. Our team had the best planning domain with SuperBarman. (Awesome job Harry!) As the contribution section details, Harry created the SuperBarman planning domain while I implemented all optimizations and provided all of the code for the planner.
Technical Report
Member Contributions
The following list details all group contributions. These contributions were not the original tasks assigned to each group member, but were the end result due to each member's abilities and other issues.
- Harry created the SuperBarman planning domain and gathered all results for the domain.
- I implemented all optimizations and provided all of the code for the planner.
- I performed all experiments, collected all data, and organized all results used in Section 5 (Identidem Results).
- I wrote the Identidem algorithm, optimizations, and experimental method sections of the report (Sections 2, 3, and 4).
- Harry and I discussed the Identidem results while Harry wrote the Identidem results analysis section (Section 5).
- Harry wrote the introduction and SuperBarman sections (Sections 1 and 6).
- Harry edited my portion of the report (Sections 2, 3, and 4).
- I edited Harry's portion of the report (Sections 1, 5, and 6).
- I assembled the annex.
- I applied all formatting and presentation features to the report and annex.
Source Code
Since this assignment will be used in future versions of the reasoning methods course, I am not releasing the code at this time.